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Category(Задължителни) Иновации в подбора | Innovations in selection CSR активност/програма | CSR activity / program Onboarding програма | Onboarding program Employer Brand комуникация | Employer Brand Communication Employer Brand стратегия | Employer Brand strategy Развитие и обучение | Development and training Технологии в управлението на човешките ресурси | Technologies in human resources management Офис и среда на работа | Office and work environment Лидерство - Индивидуална | Leadership - Individual Стажантска програма | Internship program Diversity & Inclusion Студентски активности и подбор | Graduate Recruitment Programme Придобивки и Well-being | Benefits and Well being Вътрешна комуникация | Internal communication project
Choose a category for EoC Awards 2025 application you are going to fulfil this form for.
Purpose of the project
(Tip: keep it short. About 300 characters)
In this section, you can write the results that were set before the implementation and you expected the project to achieve (measurable and non - measurable.) For the individual categories where you have to write about a person, you can write about his main goals, ideas or achievements.
Project concept or main ideas *
(Tip: keep it relativly short, use bullets and/or numbers, as well as short paragraphs. About 3000 characters)
Describe the project mechanism. What are the changes and innovations that are being introduced? Why and how are they expected to achieve change?
Project description or Main information *
(Tip: keep it relativly short, use bullets and/or numbers, as well as short paragraphs. About 5000 characters)
Tell us how the project was implemented in practice. Share the achieved measurable and immeasurable results and effects in the implementation of the project.